andré latz team-entwicklung Ethics As A Crucial Competitive Advantage

Leadership Skills
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Stacks Image 5209

‚The Rot Starts At The Top’

The line manager is the person in the team who takes the actual decisions and is responsible for the working atmosphere. All declarations concerning business and leadership culture are in the hands of the line managers. It is only through a competent line manager enables teamwork and performance. There is need to promote line manager on four sections: self-competence, social competence, methodological competence and professional competence.

Every section is important but the key for successful leadership lies within self competence and social competence. Methodological competence and professional competence are of secondary importance. Support leadership skills and invest in advancements of self competence and social competence. Release yourself of rigid controls and use the gained time for those task primary for your leadership.

In short:
  • Acting ethically in front of your employees ensures a good working environment.
  • With valuable corporate culture follows top performance.
  • Acting ethically in front of supplier and business partner is the base for permanent success.
  • To generate good returns over a long period requires ethical behavior.

Every participant will go away with following benefits:
  • Overview of sustained leadership strategies.
  • Numerous references and best practice examples.
  • Confrontation with your own demands to leadership.

André Latz

Your location of choice / Inhouse
Or for Example
Redemptorists monastery Wittem

on request

Hourly rate is 230.00 € plus value added tax.
This includes a handout and, if requested, references as well as preparation and follow-up work.
Further Information about the financial investment can be found