andré latz team-entwicklung Ethics As A Crucial Competitive Advantage

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‚Trust Motivates, Distrust Destroys Motivation‘

A culture full of trust and appreciation is the silver bullet for long-lasting motivating work environment. Appendages such as so called achievement-oriented salary or bonus systems have an opposed message: Distrust. It destroys motivation, constricts creativity and slows down performances.

Do you follow a strategy that has an eye on long-lasting success of the organization? Then choose the silver bullet to success: establish and strengthen a trustful and valuable corporate culture. Break out of the spiral of distrust. Encourage motivation for the long term, instead of a flash in the pan of alleged motivating actions.

In short:
  • Employees cannot be motivated but the basic condition for self-motivation can be created.
  • The difference between high performers and average performance is the own motivation of an individual.
  • Performance-based incentives thwart high performers instead of motivating them.
  • The more trust you show to your employees the merrier they get motivated.

Every participant will go away with following benefits:
  • Numerous references.
  • Overview of sustained motivation strategies.
  • Confrontation with your own motivation and the motivation within the company.

André Latz

Your location of choice / Inhouse
Or for Example
Redemptorists monastery Wittem

on request

Hourly rate is 230.00 € plus value added tax.
This includes a handout and, if requested, references as well as preparation and follow-up work.
Further Information about the financial investment can be found