andré latz team-entwicklung Ethics As A Crucial Competitive Advantage

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Rules are made for men,
not the men for the rules.

‚The whole is more than the sum of its parts, and more successful than lone rangers‘

If human beings appreciate themselves in their diversity, they work excellent together and are consequently able to rise above themselves. As a result a team is more than the sum of its parts. If all human beings would have the same opinion, there wouldn’t be innovation. Within a team different individuals work together. Therefore, different, often contrarian, opinions and interests come together.

The great potential of teamwork is rooted in many things: Only in the community, we grow beyond ourselves. Because the strengths of the individual people complement within the team and the individual weaknesses are fielded in the team. Of course we all take different roles in teams depending on different context: Sharpen the skills to work in teams and develop efficiency and innovation in your company or department.

In short:
  • Teamwork lives on appreciation and healthy communication.
  • Innovation and creativity require treating one other with respect.
  • If employees have more self-confidence the better is the teamwork.
  • Teams are more successful by using the many strengths diversity can provide.

Every participant will go away with following benefits:
  • Numerous references .
  • Overview of sustained successful strategies for teamwork.
  • Confrontation with your own role within the team and the culture within the team.

André Latz

Your location of choice / Inhouse
Or for Example
Redemptorists monastery Wittem

on request

Hourly rate is 230.00 € plus value added tax.
This includes a handout and, if requested, references as well as preparation and follow-up work.
Further Information about the financial investment can be found