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Methodische Literatur

Literature About Methods

Erb, Kristine; Die Ordnungen des Erfolgs; München 2001

Warum empfohlen:
Eine Einführung in die Methode der systemischen Strukturaufstellungen. Die verschiedenen Formen der Organisationsaufstellungen werden verständlich vorgestellt.

EFT (Klopfakkupressur):
Gallo, Fred / Vincenzi, Harry; Gelöst, entlastet, befreit; Kirchzarten bei Freiburg 4. Aufl. 2005

Warum empfohlen:
Eine Einführung in die Methode der Klopfakkupressur. Auch das Konzept der energetischen Psychologie wird verständlich vorgestellt.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren):
Mohl, Alexa; Der große Zauberlehrling – Teil 1 und 2; Paderborn 2006

Warum empfohlen:
Eine umfassende systematische Darstellung der Kommunikationsmethoden und Vorgehensweisen der Veränderungsarbeit, die unter dem Begriff "Neuro-Liguistisches Programmieren" Eingang in Psychologie, Pädagogik und Management gefunden hat.

Provokatives Coaching:
Schmidt-Tanger, Martina; Gekonnt coachen – Präzision und Pro-vocation im Coaching; Paderborn 2004

Warum empfohlen:
Eine Einführung in die Methode des provokativen Coachings.

Lösungsorientiertes Coaching:
Sparrer/ Insa; Wunder, Lösung und System; Heidelberg 3. Aufl. 2004

Warum empfohlen:
Eine Einführung in die Methode der lösungsfokussierten systemischen Organisationsaufstellungen.

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André Latz

Systemic Constellations:
Whittington, John. Systemic Coaching and Constellations: An Introduction to the Principles, Practices and Application. London: Kogan Page Ltd., 2012. Print.

Why to read:
The book offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles that sustain systems, real world descriptions of what systemic coaching is and how it can be useful as well as a step-by-step guide to integrating the principles and practices into coaching.

Energy Psychology:
Gallo, Fred. Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Ltd., 2000. Print.

Why to read:
Through a variety of protocols, this book guides psychotherapists in diagnosing and treating psychological problems using manual muscle testing and various kinesiological treatments.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming):
O'Connor, Joseph and John Seymour. Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People. San Francisco: Conari Press, 2011. Print.

Why to read:
Excellent communication is the basis of creating excellent results. NLP skills are proving invaluable for personal development and professional excellence in counseling, education and business.

Provocative Coaching:
Farrell, Frank and Jeff Brandsma. Provocative Therapy. Cupertino: Meta Publications, 1981. Print.

Why to read:
Provocative Therapy will shock and provoke you as it challenges many traditional assumptions about the limits to be respected by professional communicatiors in the same provocative, earthy and humor-producing style that characterizes Provocative Therapy. This book is a rich source of examples with extensive commentary.

Solution-Focused Coaching:
Cynthia, Franklin et al. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.

Why to read:
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) has been gaining momentum as a powerful therapeutic approach since its inception in the 1980s. By focusing on solutions instead of problems, it asks clients to set concrete goals and to draw upon strengths in their lives that can help bring about the desired change for a preferred future.

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André Latz